Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday Mar 22, 2023 Cat Island Day 2

Today we move from the 3 bedroom cabin to the single bedroom duplex closer to the beach. A lovely couple from Scotland, Malcolm and Sally, are next to us. They’ve been coming each winter for 3 months at a time, and they’ve been coming to Cat Island for 8 years. Rollezz has only been here for about 8 years so they are long time return folks. We can see why.

Malcolm is a retired fishing guide and he bone fishes here. He can just walk out back of the cottages to fish.

We had breakfast in the big cabin and decided not to rent the car for another day. There was some confusion because Maurice didn’t come for the car until midday, which I suppose means he didn’t have

anyone that needed a car. There are only 1800 people on Cat Island and only so many cars. Malcolm and Sally rent a car for the entire 3 months and they say it’s pretty slim pickings. A lot of the cars are in fairly rough shape by the sounds of it. Our rental yesterday had 265,000 km (165,000 miles) which seems impossible since the island is only 47 miles long. They must buy used cars and bring them over from somewhere. (Somewhere that they understand the Japanese woman on the GPS….)

Nice to have a quiet day after all the travelling. We walked south on the beach a long way. There is zero trash on the beach which seems impossible since we normally see boat trash on other islands. A few sea sponges here and there and a few starfish. Actually nothing but wide white sand beach and coral or limestone rock toward shore and then mangrove further in.

Down the south beach there are a few houses that for whatever reason are not occupied and are in really bad shape. We are guessing they were built by someone as their house on the beach and either they passed away, the storms drove them out, or they never finished them. I can imagine it is really expensive to get a 2x4 here between the boat trip and then the rough roads.

We did some reading on the beach, a little lunch and then we walked north on the beach. We never saw anyone else on the beach so we seem to have our own little island. North of us are houses about a half mile away that appear to be in service although we did not see anyone around or signs of recent activities. So they must be vacation places.

Friday at Rollezz is pizza night and games night, so everyone orders pizza and we all get together in the dining room. Sally drove to pick up the pizzas at the gas srarion a mile or so away. After pizza we played Sequence, which Deb and I had never played. This apparently is the game they play most of the time. Lovely way to spend a Friday night. We can see why this place gets great reviews. Very nice people.

The wind is already picking up so we headed in for the night. Tomorrow the bulk of the storm will arrive.

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