Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023 - Long Island (Day 3)

 Erick and Hannah came up at 8:30 and we headed south on Queens Road (the only road down the island, and up for that matter) and the first stop was all the way to the end where the road ends. Right there is a lovely beach and Gordon’s Beach Bar and Grill with tables and chairs right on the beach. We hiked down the beach an hour or so and then back.  We had a swim to replace the sweaty salt with ocean salt.

The nice woman running Gordon's sold us some beers, grouper fingers and cracked conch for our “first lunch” with a couple of Kalik’s to wash it down.

Back in the car and north on (clue: only one road..) Queen’s Road and stopped at Charles'place, who E&H knew from two years ago, and Erick bought a basket for (it’s a secret). Next stop was Dunmore Plantation ruins, which was another late 1700’s plantation. Lord Dunmore was a loyalist who went back to England and then after a couple other assignments, was given land here and ran a plantation. Not sure what he “plantained” but it was probably cotton. We got pretty scratched up finding it through a barely visible trail but we did. Nice stone ruins on top of a hill overlooking the sea. 

For our next stop (after the bleeding stopped) we drove to a nice beach just south of Clarence Town, with a narrow sandy beach and water that turned deep real fast.

Stopped at the bakery in Clarence town but all they had left (2:30pm) was pound cake and pumpkin bread (which was tasty). Clarence Town is a few houses along with a dock, where a mail boat (the mail boat) was being unloaded, so the dock was pretty busy.

North again and we found the ruins of the Diamond Salt Works (Charles said it closed in the 70’s). Rough roads and a giant air strip and salt ponds everywhere. Looks like it was a really big operation. 

Back on “the road” we stopped for our second mini lunch at Max's Conch Bar & Grill for wings, fries and shrimp appetizers. Lots of expats there.

Last stop was the Shrimp Hole which is a sunken pool with tiny red shrimp living in it. The rock here is insanely porous and we could see the water below our feet through holes in the limestone. Kind of creepy. The Shrimp Hole is also out behind an abandoned church which is also a little creepy.

Finally back to the Air BnB where Erick grilled lobster tails and Hannah whipped up some coleslaw. And special treat, H&E brought the last of the rum cake she made a couple days back.

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