Monday, January 16, 2023

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023 Stocking Island to Lee Stocking Island


So the anchor was raised at 7:00 am (Erick and Hannah run a tight ship) and we were on the move. Slept like babies again last night. We are settling into the routine. Move, plan what to eat for breakfast, eat breakfast (coconut bread french toast with real maple syrup), move more, plan lunch, eat lunch (stir fried chicken rice salad, foccacia bread and pesto), snorkel, plan cocktails, talk, sleep.

We threw the fishing line out this morning and we had good winds so we motor sailed until a Mahi Mahi hit the line, then Erick and Hannah were all hands on deck to reel in a nice big Mahi Mahi, which will be had for dinner tonight. They had some store bought bait that must have done the trick. Takes the pressure off finding conch today for dinner tonight. We had awesome winds, so 7 knots under sail until we anchored for the night at Lee Stocking Island.

We jumped in the dinghy and spent the rest of the day snorkeling and looking for conch. First stop was Leaf Island to cavort with the iguanas. They came down to greet us. They are not aggressive like other islands but very friendly, keeping their distance. Then off to another stop to snorkel and look for conch. Lots of great colorful fish, sponges and coral. The pure neon ones are amazing.

Second stop was an old salt lake where they harvested salt centuries ago. Erick found some conch up in the channel to the salt lake, kept one, and the other three of us found none. There were lots here last year but they must have moved somewhere else. A couple of men were riding around in their dinghy looking for conch using a 5 gallon bucket with the bottom cut out so they could look down into the water. They eyed us protectively.

Back to the boat and cocktails (margaritas), and then Erick grilled the Mahi Mahi he caught this morning, rice and salad.

Games tonight and bed. Another great day!

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