Monday, January 9, 2023

Monday Jan 9, 2023 Bisbee to Nassau Bahamas


We set the alarm for 1:45 to get up to Tucson 2 hrs before check in for the first flight to Dallas. We took the van and parked at the off site parking site but found the van is too tall to fit under the covered parking covers, so the nice parking lot shuttle driver guided us to where all the tall boys park, uncovered. Just as soon have it uncovered so we can leave the refrigerator running (solar panels).

Checked in at 4am and no crowd (could have slept another 30 mins). We had TSA pre-check so easy peasy pass through security. The plane was right on time and a few hours later we landed in Dallas. Pretty nice airport with the SkyLink shuttle between terminals.The flight from Dallas to Nassau was on time and we landed 20 minutes early. The crew made the point that the pilot and co-pilot were both women so the entire crew was women. 

We are staying at the Orange Hill Beach Inn which is 3 km from the airport. The taxi charged us $28 and the hotel manager said it should have been $22. so we contributed an extra $6 to the local economy.

We stayed here a couple of years ago and it is and was great because it's so close to the airport, right across the road from the beach and they serve dinner. We are flying out at 6:45 in the morning so this is a great, quick stop, family run, with very nice people that run it. We met a few British folks staying here so maybe the Brits vacation in the Bahamas a lot?

We are kind of wonky tonight from the early morning and usual airport shuffling, so we ate dinner early (delicious ribs, fish fingers, fried plantains, etc.) after a couple of drinks and then back to the cottage to crash. The hotel lined up a taxi back to the airport in the morning, so we need to be up and ready to go by 5:30am. We take a short BahamasAir flight to Exuma International Airport near Georgetown, and will then meet Hannah and Erick on the dock nearby. Warm and humid with a nice breeze off the ocean.

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