Monday, January 2, 2023

Friday Dec 30, 2022 - Anza Borrego Desert State Park to Tijuana

Beautiful sunrise this morning at the campground. We have a site (last one available) next to the bathroom but no problems with noise. We have noticed that the bathrooms and showers at all of these parks are not used much at all. We think most everyone has their own built in toilets and showers. A year ago we went to an RV show in Tucson and even the vans had built in showers of some kind. But we also noticed those rigs (the vans at least) had very little room left over. So we have our pick of showers. All the bathrooms are single person unisex as are the showers. You buy California Park Service tokens for 50 cents/each and get 2 minutes per token. The first 30 seconds is cold water so you better be quick or put a couple tokens in (I made it in one being a cheapskate, burrr).

So goodbye Anza Borrego and off to San Diego, but first Deb is jonesing to see the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). Our friend Tom and his brother hiked the PCT last year so she scoured their trail journals to see where they crossed the roads. We first went to Warner Springs which is near the trail, and then on to Julian which is a big trail town and famous for everything apple, especially pie.

We got breakfast at the Julian Cafe and Bakery (#2 on TripAdvisor) which was packed (#1 was closed). It was pretty cold and very damp up there. It must be the moisture coming off the Pacific Ocean. What a change from the desert this morning climbing into clouds. And everything is really green. After living in Bisbee we are used to the desert beauty (dry and brown) so when we see green it really makes an impact.

From Julian it was only an hour and a half to the border crossing into Tijuana. We made one last stop before the crazy freeway scene of San Diego and soon we were in 7 lanes of kamikaze drivers. We took the last US exit, which dumps you right into the parking area this side of the border. Stick your credit card in and park. Then walk 20 minutes over a pedestrian bridge, get your bags scanned (looking for guns I assume), then show the nice Mexican border agent your passports, and finally walk into Tijuana. Nathalie was waiting for us on the sidewalk and Jake was circling in the car. Tijuana is wall to wall cars but somehow nobody runs into you. After a 20 minute ride through Tijuana we arrived at the AirB&B Jake and Nath are renting for two months. They are 2 blocks from the ocean so we took a long walk south with their dog Tyler (it’s only a few blocks from the border so not north), then walked back on the streets. Stopped for some street food and then back to the AirB&B. Nice night catching up, chatting with their neighbor Josh, and ordering pizza for dinner. We are taking a car ride down the coast tomorrow and then back to the US Sunday morning.

Day 21

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