Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Monday November 7, 2022 - Hiking in Chiricahua National Monument


Deb N had the percolator perking away by the time we all woke up. Bacon & eggs wrapped with fresh farmers market tortillas for breakfast kicks off a perfect day. The van was nice and cozy last night and other than a slight angle where we parked, we slept well. We need to get some of those Lego looking leveling blocks..

The plan was to hike from Massai Point back down to the campground which turned out to be 5 miles or so, downhill, but very rocky. Dave & Benny gave us a ride up and then they hiked down below (no pets allowed on the upper trails, sorry Benny).

We worked up a good appetite, so Deb V & Milo cooked fajitas for dinner along with the never ending snacks and desserts. Then another night of Up and Down the River in Deb N and Dave's nice warm camper. Good sleeping after a full day of hiking.

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