We decided to take 3 days to get to Gypsum CO to pick up our new camper van. Very excited to be on the road again and very very excited to pick up the new van. We decided to name her after Deb's mom, Sally Ann. She passed away at the much too young age of 60 long ago, and so we will try to do the trips she never got to take.
We decided that the first day we would put in a long day and then have time to play up in Colorado. We need to be in Gypsum by 1 pm on Friday so Gallup sounded about right. We drove the usual way to Tucson and then turned north on RT 77, through Oracle and on to Globe, then across the San Carlos and Fort Apache reservations. The drive out of Globe through the Salt River Canyon was spectacular. RT 77 took us all the way to Holbrook AZ, then we got on the interstate (RT 40) and on to Gallup NM. A good country station, podcasts and my playlist made the day go fast. We lost an hour so did not get in until 7:00. A little late for local places but we found a tasty Applebee's for dinner.
We can't agree if we've ridden Route 77, but Butler maps sure likes it! LOVE the miner skelly! Sweet van name origin story. Here's hoping her travels are wondrous and extensive.