Other than the coyotes early this morning we slept soundly. The other campers here are all quiet. It is overcast but warm so we decided to hike up Palm Canyon to see the California Palm Trees which is about 3 miles round trip. Not too many others hiking but enough for a few nice conversations. A couple from San Diego gave us tips on other places to hike to in the park and also told us that the palm trees were burned in January 2020 by an arsonist. The palms have recovered but they are not currently letting people wander around underneath them. We made it as far as they let you go and then took the alternate route back which wasn't well marked, but we just followed whatever wash went downhill and ended up back at the trailhead. We had a long chat with a retired couple from Indiana who travel a lot in their 30’ camper. They stay at a lot of free site like Kofa where we stayed the previous night, and were here for a while in a dispersed camping section near Anza Borrego.We were also treated to 6 or more Peninsular Bighorn Sheep which live in the hills and are on the endangered species list. They have no fear of people so they were just wandering around (maybe that’s why they're endangered?).Then back to the van for a lite lunch and some reading. Deb heard of another short hike through a slot canyon so we drove about 20 miles away and found the trailhead. It was definitely a slot canyon with parts that you had to slip sideways through. The rock is really hard packed sand but softer than sandstone and all a mud grey color.
Then back to Borrego Springs (the town where old movie stars used to go to escape their fans) and had a drink and dinner at the bar in Carlee’s. Two guys with a keyboard and saxophone were belting out the oldies while we took in the locals and tourists (us included) while eating at the bar. Love these local crowds.
Back to the camp site, hot showers, another Louis Penny show and then bed.